Home Full Representation

It can be unnerving when you receive a notice from the IRS. At Tax Defense & Relief Group, we strive to offer complete peace of mind. Our specially trained IRS representatives work with taxpayers to collect all the necessary information. Next, we communicate with IRS agents on your behalf. In the event of any notice or tax audit by the Internal Revenue Service, you can rest assured that we are on your side. We utilize our full representation expertise to achieve a satisfactory tax dent resolution.


Representation is usually defined in IRS Publication 947 and covers matters relating to any of the following:

The provision of written tax advice to taxpayers, on one or more Federal matters.

The submission, filing, or preparation of documents with the IRS on behalf of a client.

Representing a taxpayer at meetings, hearings, or conferences with the IRS.

Communicating taxpayer’s liabilities, privileges, and rights with the IRS.

Full representation rights mean that a practitioner can represent taxpayers before the IRS on any tax matter. Several credential types that have full representation rights include:

Attorneys: They are licensed by their designees, a district, or a state court.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA): They are licensed by state boards of accountancy and various U.S. territories.

Enrolled Agents (EA): An enrolled agent status is the highest credential in IRS awards. It shows that the individual possesses experience as a former IRS employee or has passed the IRS’ three-part comprehensive test on personal and business tax returns.

Speak to a tax expert about Full Representation. Contact us now!

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Tax Defense & Relief Group’ full representation experts possess a thorough understanding of your legal rights including:

  • Innocent spouse relief
  • Bankruptcy
  • Wage garnishments
  • Establishing tax repayment plans
  • IRS seizures, levies, and liens
  • Payroll tax issues
  • Filing returns and back taxes
  • Preparing for an IRS audit, and surviving it
  • Responding to an IRS audit notice or official letter


Our golden advice to taxpayers is: do not let the IRS intimidate you! Whether you are facing an IRS audit or have tax problems, we have got your back. Our team has achieved positive outcomes for a great array of tax disputes and IRS audits.



Here is a quick look at some of the things that can be achieved with Tax Defense & Relief Group’ full representation services:

Tax debt settlement

Stop IRS harassment

Defend your income tax audits

File delinquent tax returns (if any)

Protect your bank account

Save your paycheck

All in all, our company will make sure the Internal Revenue Service treats you fairly and with respect.

tax defense partners services


Tax Defense & Relief Group is accredited by the ASTPS, NAEA, IRS Enrolled Agents, Better Business Bureau, and more. As enrolled agents, we can offer our valued clients a full range of tax representation support services. Our agents also provide full representation in case of an audit. When it comes to reaching an account settlement for our clients, we take this responsibility seriously.

If you would like to raise more questions regarding our full representation services, do not hesitate to give us a call today!