Home Audit Representation

You received an IRS letter. Its contents talk about disallowing or questioning certain deductions. Do not panic and ignore the letter. Doing so, may cause the IRS to waive your future rights, assess a new liability, or change your returns. In this case, you will probably need the expertise of a tax professional. At Tax Defense & Relief Group, we provide stellar solutions pertaining to audit representation.


Also known as audit defense, audit representation is a type of tax debt resolution service. A legal or tax professional will stand in on behalf of a taxpayer during an IRS tax audit process. The IRS allows enrolled agents, CPAs, and attorneys to represent taxpayers before the IRS in income tax audits.

Your audit representative is trained to develop the strategy necessary to defend your position. He or she assists you in the preparation of all documents required by the taxing authority. In many cases, your audit representative will handle all correspondence and attend all meetings on your behalf.

Speak to a tax expert about Audit Representation. Contact us now!

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Tax Defense & Relief Group understands that IRS audit agents will often try to widen the scope of the initial tax audit. They may include other years beyond the tax return, or other areas of the tax return in question. Our representatives can help our clients limit that scope and the amount of information the IRS agent requests to examine. Next, we will help you organize your tax records; a squeaky-clean taxpayer will be less exposed to IRS scrutiny.

Want to know how else our audit representatives can help? Here’s a quick review of their expertise:

  • Save you more money – you do not pay more than you owe
  • Protect taxpayer rights
  • Present installment agreements or Offer in Compromise (OIC)
  • Eliminate the amount of proposed debt
  • Appeal and/or defend audit
  • Accurately identify which portion of your return is being audited
  • … and more!


The IRS audit process is designed to collect the appropriate revenue for the government and increase the nation’s tax compliance. They compute taxpayers’ deductions based on their income levels. If your deductions vary greatly from how the IRS normal computations, the chance of error on the return becomes higher. Those problematic returns are more likely to be audited. In many cases, tax laws are subject to interpretation. There is currently no perfect and/or correct tax return.

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As a trusted tax debt resolution company, Tax Defense & Relief Group has years of experience representing business owners and individuals who are facing IRS audits. Our experienced audit representatives will provide you the professionalism and protection you deserve when dealing with your IRS agent. You can count on us to put together all the documentary evidence you require to achieve a positive tax audit outcome. What’s more, we become a buffer between you and the IRS. There isn’t a necessity for you to appear in meetings.

Are you looking to work with a reputable IRS audit representative?
Schedule a free consultation with us now!