Home > Wage Garnishment


Individuals, who owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, can have their hard-earned wages levied or garnished. If you are afraid that the IRS is going to intercept your take-home pay, it is recommended that you engage an experienced tax attorney for assistance.

At Tax Defense & Relief Group, we specialize in an array of tax debt relief solutions, wage garnishment included. Our team is ethical, knowledgeable, and adequately aggressive to prevent the IRS from unnecessarily seizing your income.


A court can issue an order that requires your employer to withhold a certain percentage of your paycheck. That amount is then sent directly to the institution to whom you owe money. This process then repeats itself until your debt is fully paid off.

IRS wage garnishment will happen after they sent you three notices for full payment. The next notice after these will be the Final Notice of Intent to Levy. This is a way for the IRS to take collection action and enforce a wage levy if they feel that you have been ignoring your tax liabilities.

Speak to a tax expert about Wage Garnishment. Contact us now!

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Unfortunately, your employer has no power to reject the garnishment request. If you want to stop it, or the threat of one, you should target the issues that triggered this tough debt collection tactic. With deep expertise in wage garnishments, Tax Defense & Relief Group is always prepared to help you contact the IRS to resolve this back-tax problem. Our world-class tax resolution services include:

  • Fresh start programs
  • Back taxes
  • Tax resolution
  • Current not collectible
  • Tax preparation
  • Wage garnishment
  • Offer in compromise
  • Penalty abatement


If your income is going to be substantially reduced, it will become increasingly difficult to pay your bills. Next, your tax debt continues to accrue penalties and interest, even if your wages are being garnished. In addition, they may even levy your bank accounts and/or other income sources.

These IRS practices will remain in effect until you can negotiate other terms of agreement and settle your debt. That’s why you need a professional on your side to negotiate with IRS agents, to have your wage garnishment modified or released until a reasonable resolution is reached.

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The Tax Defense & Relief Group team can represent you throughout the entirety of the wage garnishment resolution process. We act as a shield between the IRS and you. You can rest assured that we will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible settlement. Typically, our team can modify or stop a wage garnishment within 24 to 72 hours. If you want to prevent your employer from illegally terminating your employment or stop your income from being substantially reduced, Tax Defense & Relief Group is here to fight for your rights! As we possess years of experience in dealing with the IRS, we are absolutely confident that we can help you.

Stop wage garnishment from making things bad to worse.
Contact Tax Defense & Relief Group today for prompt legal assistance.